Why is this different to other brokers?

  1. Our exceptional experience sets us apart from the market. Our brokers have extensive experience working in the underwriting and credit departments of lenders. Moreover, we have established a robust network throughout the specialist finance industry, which enables us to handle any unforeseen obstacles that may arise during the process efficiently.

  2. We go direct to lenders, we do not work with master brokers, nor are we affiliated with any mortgage networks or clubs. This means we have no limitations on the lenders we can work with, and we don't pay any third-party brokers to work on our behalf.

Why do we operate on a fixed fee basis?

  • By utilising technology and maintaining flexibility over our offerings and services, we can pass on our savings to our customers.

  • We maintain our flexibility - We work directly with our clients and lenders to obtain the best quotes.

    • We do not work through platforms such as ‘mortgage networks’ or ‘master brokerages’, eliminating the fees and costs that are often incorporated into the process.

Mission statement.

“Our goal is to establish a business where we operate independently and in our clients best interest, thus upholding the primary advantage associated with brokerage services. Additionally, we strive to provide market-leading pricing by delivering cost savings to our clients.”


Our approach focuses on optimising value for our clients by providing cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality of service or expertise garnered from our extensive experience in the sector.

With a team boasting approximately 15 years of combined expertise in the unregulated specialist finance sector, we identified a significant disparity in commission structures between regulated traditional mortgages (BTL & Homeowner mortgages) and unregulated specialist finance mortgages (Bridging and development finance).

Our primary aim is to secure optimal rates and products customised to each client's unique circumstances. At Aura Capital, we acknowledge the dynamic nature of the specialist finance market, and the difficulty for clients in finding a lender who A) delivers and B) offers a market leading rates. We believe to be able to provide the best quote and minimise obligations to lenders you have to be free from lender commission structures and fees, in order to offer a wider array of tailored products to clients - which is why our fee is fixed!

Our Team's Track Record.

Over the past 5 years, our team has successfully transacted approximately £500 million in bridging and development finance underwriting. Additionally, we have transacted on around £100 million in private equity investments and provided specialist finance advisory services amounting to approximately £40 million.

Over the past 5 years, we've successfully transacted approximately £500 million in bridging and development finance underwriting, alongside around £100 million in private equity investments and approximately £40 million in specialist finance advisory services.

Whether you need bridging finance for residential investments, HMOs, refurbishments, or development exits, or if you require development finance for housing or commercial projects, our expertise ensures we connect you with the most suitable lender.

Our extensive track record underscores our proficiency in diverse financial landscapes, ensuring we meet your unique requirements and provide optimal financing solutions.